Angelique, I am not sure why my spelling is of any concern to you? I thought this website was for people to be able to express their views and discuss things that are relevent to this area. If you have an opinion regarding a topic on here then you are free to comment but as for the personal comments..........butt out lady!

La Marina

ahhahhaha wat do tat say nikki i can-t i mean can u understannd me speliing not too sure if its oks

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-06-27 15:21:58 UTC

NICKI! If I ever need to know what the WHAETHER is I will contact you directly!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-06-27 17:28:18 UTC

i thought this website was for helpfull information and advice????

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-06-27 17:36:31 UTC

The name is NIKKI........dont worry I wasn't expecting you to say sorry.


Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-06-27 17:39:44 UTC

Nikki to put your mind at rest,I was speaking to a computer nerd friend of mine,and apparently,on forums you get people who are known as trolls,it is there aim in life to get into print on forums as much crap as possible,they are not being vindsictive to any one person,but their aim in life is to annoy as many people on that forum as possible,so that the ordinary person stops going onto that forum,(Sad but true)I think that everything I have written has been contradicted by the same person,but they have not had a pop at me personally.I have already learned to treat this person with the contempt they deserve,and I am sure if we all did the same they would crawl down a hole and join the rest of the hapless trolls.I am here for the long term,I hope you are to

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-06-27 18:04:18 UTC