After the great success of our first BBQ, I have now organised a 2nd one on:

Wednesday, 10th July 2013 - this time it will be 7.30pm for 8pm
at: Rojos in Consume Square and tickets are now available.

[email protected]

I will also take some tickets to Rojos & the SAT charity shop at the top of the urb, next to the town hall.

Many thanks

Think I'll get a brolly for over the BBQ This time. Looking forward to it.

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2013-06-17 11:42:03 UTC

Good Idea Jes, lots of large umbrellax

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-18 00:14:00 UTC

Sold the first 6 tickets, I have them at my house, but if anyone wants them from Rojos or the SAT Charity Shop let me know and I will take them there for you.

[email protected]

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-18 17:20:39 UTC

15 tickets now sold, so please let us know if you would like a ticket for another great night of fun with a wonderful BBQ at Rojos on Wednesday, 10th July, 7.30pm for 8pm.

[email protected]

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-22 17:54:47 UTC

21 tickets now sold, so please let us know if you would like a ticket for another great night of fun with a wonderful BBQ at Rojos on Wednesday, 10th July, 7.30pm for 8pm.

Looking forward to seeing great friends, supporters and lovely new people.

[email protected]

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-27 08:19:53 UTC


Commented Myra Davis in La Marina 2013-06-27 10:49:48 UTC

yep I will be there Linda xx

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-06-27 12:51:42 UTC

Thats great news Rose, thank you x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-28 09:04:30 UTC

Half way there now with 30 tickets sold, please come and join us and have a great fun filled evening at Rojos in Consum Square, Wednesday, 10th July, 7.30 for 8pm.

[email protected]


Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-28 09:17:14 UTC

Hi Linda, can you please drop off 5 tickets for Jenny and co. Also a few for us to sell.

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2013-06-29 07:09:43 UTC

The BBQ was really great at the last bash plus it was well attended. Have a look at the video http://youtu.be/OPLBlpzRwZg They have listed the event in the Events section.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2013-06-29 07:31:56 UTC


Commented Ian in La Marina 2013-06-29 08:24:36 UTC

Sounds lovely. Can't make this one but hopefully can do the August one.

Commented Myra Davis in La Marina 2013-06-29 08:28:03 UTC

Okies Jez, will bring some tickets up today and thanks for letting me know Myra, hopefully see you at the August one.

Linda x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-29 09:26:15 UTC

32 Defo tickets now sold, with 5 more waiting for payment and I have to take another 6 to Wendy on Sunday - so that will be 43, so who else would like to join us for a BBQ & a fun games evening?

[email protected]


Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-29 17:43:29 UTC

Hi Linda I am seriously thinking about hot attending the BBQ now, due to personal reasons. So if you can sell my ticket I would appreciate it, if not take the money as a donation to SATS. Dee

Commented Senora Alto in La Marina 2013-07-01 16:36:25 UTC

Sorry to hear that Senor Alto and thank you for the message Eve, I will bring you another 4 tickets this evening.


Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-07-02 15:27:12 UTC

had a great night thanks to all,hope to get tickets for next Wed

Commented james_sue1 in Quesada 2013-07-04 14:47:19 UTC

If you want tickets for the BBQ James & Sue, please let me know.

Many thanks

[email protected]

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-07-04 16:59:15 UTC

Flying in Wednesday, if not delayed, will join you there and pay at the door, xx

Commented Robert in La Marina 2013-07-05 11:50:54 UTC

Ok Robert that will be great, if possible be there for 7.30pm for 8pm


Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-07-05 18:18:02 UTC

You will be pleased to know, new large tables sit about 12 people so you can eat with your friends and new shade on the terrace. Look forward to seeing you and having another profitable evening for a good cause.

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2013-07-06 07:40:15 UTC

Great news Jez thank you, we have booked for Sunday lunch so will confirm numbers of tickets sold so far


Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-07-06 16:27:10 UTC

we have 14 tickets left for a BBQ @ Rojos, in Consume Square, La Marina Urb on Wednesday, 10th July 7.30pm for 8pm.

10 euros a ticket for a fantastic BBQ and we have a great raffle with brilliant raffle prizes inc. x 2 free haircuts, free manicure, free sunday roast for 2 people, vodka, brandy, wine and many more.

Plus a fun picture quiz and play your cards right.

For tickets you can email me [email protected] or call into Rojos

Many thanks

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-07-08 20:20:52 UTC

A Wonderful evening Rojos La Marina - huge thanks to Jez & Chez for the amazing BBQ - thankyou to everyone who came and helped us raise 350 euros for SATs animal sanctuary - see you all again in September x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-07-11 07:59:11 UTC