
It never fails to surprise me what people find to moan about, free fiestas, free entertainment, free paella, free firework display (where else do you get free anything), a few power cuts (how many have there been on the urb this year? very few), bars, children being children(were you never children), dogs barking (thats what they do). Do you really have nothing else to do with your time or nothing more serious to worry about, where on earth do you think you live? And if you really believe that there is better, it begs the question why are you still living here if you dislike so much, I can assure you that there is far worse places to live. So do yourselves a favour, save yourselves the stress and CHILL OUT. P.s I live next to Consum, I have a child, Dogs live and bark in the street I live in, I am obviously very close to the bars and I too have experienced the Power cuts, but guess what I am still smiling because these are exactly why I came to live in Spain. Please for one day stop moaning. Sam

La Marina

Agree with you well said!

Commented Poppy in La Marina 2012-08-06 13:33:08 UTC

Hi I am new to this site... we abouts is la marina.......

Commented jillandgeorge7 in La Marina 2012-08-06 14:16:19 UTC

No Argument from Sam here,here

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2012-08-06 14:17:49 UTC

Sam who rattled your bloody cage this morning
I havnt seen anything of people moaning about the Fiesta,But in fact almost everything i have read or seen about it has been in praise of it,The free firework display ยก,from what I gather was a flop because of a computer failure,these things are not free,one way or another we help pay for them.I rarely see complaints about dogs barking or children being children.Yes complaints were being made about the bars,and a few people around your erea were intent on trying to drive the bar owners out,but at that time where was you because I didnt see much of you defending the bars then.I think perhaps someone or something has said something to touch a raw nerve,so take your own advice and CHILL OUT,
As for power cuts 14 in a week is more than enough,however short or long they are they are unacceptable,even the Electricity company and the Council have agreed to that at least,So take a deep breathe count to 10 and slowly breathe out,that should help calm you down.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-08-06 14:32:15 UTC

*laugh* Thank you for your reply. Firstly I am very chilled, which is why I was able to write such a tongue in cheek comment. As I am sure you are aware not all of what people think are put on the forums. I have heard many things in the last couple of day's about the fiesta and most of them where not good, and to be honest they are the straws that broke the camels back. As far as the comment on the bars, if you look back, I wrote a comment backing you 100%. The fact is I only say things when they need to be said and not for the sake of saying them. Live and let live is what I say, except if your going to constantly moan about everyone and everything. ; )

Commented sam in La Marina 2012-08-06 14:44:33 UTC

Very well said Alan - couldn't have put it better myself. SAM - I certainly didn't come and live in Spain expecting to get all these power cuts. As Alan said they are completely unacceptable. Although I do not own dogs, I do know for a fact that fireworks frighten the poor animals terribly, so you must have exceptional dogs especially as you live so close to the area where the fireworks were.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-08-06 14:45:41 UTC

Hi Carol, once again thank you for your reply. I personally didn't look into how many power cuts La Marina experienced before I came to live here and yes I agree totally that they are unacceptable, and inconvenient especially as I have a young child, but realistically did it ruin your life? And what does moaning about it on here do to solve the problem? As for the fireworks, I don't have animals but I have in the past when I lived in the England and from what I remember they also have fireworks and not just on firework night, was anyone able to stop them or did they even try? It was for 1 night, not every night and to be honest most nights it like a ghost town here.

Commented sam in La Marina 2012-08-06 14:58:55 UTC

Well said Sam

Commented susan in La Marina 2012-08-06 15:24:15 UTC

How refreshing, a common sense statement. Well said Sam. Chris

Commented christine robinson in La Marina 2012-08-06 16:09:27 UTC

Well said! Trouble is, a lot of people wouldn't be happy unless they were moaning! And, I think people on urbanisations are the worst! Now, what or who, can we moan about today? That's what they must think when they get up every morning. I live on an urbanisation and am definitely not like that, but unfortunately most of them are! I am not saying they all are, before I get bombarded with complaints, but most.

Commented Pepper in Quesada 2012-08-06 16:32:29 UTC

Above you stated "free fiestas, free entertainment, free paella, free firework display (where else do you get free anything)"...........
What planet are you living on!!! Who do you think is paying for all this!

Commented Sandra in La Marina 2012-08-06 16:33:53 UTC

Hi Sandra, thank you for your interest to my comment. I obviously realise we all pay our taxes etc, which I might add are considerably less expensive than I paid when I was in the UK, so that alone I am happy, considering that I get more for my money here than I ever did in England, i.e rubbish collected daily, clean streets and so on. I am fully aware that we all paid for the fiesta indirectly, however if we were any where else we would for one have to pay higher taxes and secondly pay stupid amounts to gain access to a fiesta, to which we would also probably have to pay to rent a seat etc. So I know exactly what planet I live on and I live in a very real world, which I enjoy in La Marina with my family.

Commented sam in La Marina 2012-08-06 19:19:59 UTC

I have a right to moan I wasn't there !!

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-08-06 23:04:14 UTC

Well,well,well, silent waters run deep, good things come in little packets, and a lot more cliches. Sam I couldn't have expressed it better. Well done but DON'T get in to any slanging matches, you have made your point and done it very well, leave it to the moaners to continue winding themselves up.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-08-07 08:16:08 UTC

It was a brilliant weekend and it happens but once a year - I thouroughly enjoyed every night and everyone I spoke to said the same - where in the UK (especially for a relatively small community) would you gain free access to such an event? Did you take five minutes out to look at the faces of the kids and grown ups; they were having a ball.
I came out here to enjoy life under the sun and stars - and enjoy it I most certainly do, infact I love it!!

Commented Salty Dog in La Marina 2012-08-07 09:21:17 UTC