Hi there .. myself and the family are wanting to move to quesada in the not too distant future and would like to rent a 4 bedroomed house for a min of 6 months . basically to see if its what and where we want to be ...
how much money are we looking at for renting such a place , it dont have to be the ritz but of course not a dive either ...
of course we know spain is having a really bad time at the moment but so is england , so its a case of feel the fear and do it anyway ....
we have wanted to come to spain for a number of years and we actually stumbled across quesada by acident ,, and we loved it ,, its not too close to the hussle but not too far away either ...
a nice friendly place . nice folks ... and we think it could be the place for us
also work wise .. any ideas what a 41 year old bloke who can turn his hands to practically anything do in spain ... i would of course love to own and run my own biz , yeah i know , yet another brit wanting to be god ... no its not like that at all .. what sort of services would be benificial to the residents and also give myself and family an income ,, we are not afraid to roll our sleaves up and get dirty .. and long hours dont bother me . i am a self employed ar and bike mechanic and also a bouncy castle hirer . so hard work donmt worrry me
all feedback is appreciated . possitive and negative .. . thanks for reading my drivell and hope to hear from you soon ,,,, many thanks darron


You should try and bargain for rent, but 4 beds is likely to cost 700-800 euros plus a month plus electric and water. As for work most people are working for themselves doing a bit of building, loads of keyholding and cleaning popping up all over. A lot of businesses are also closing around Quesada at the moment, however, there are a few opening too. To be honest there aren't enough people here in the winter to keep everyone going which in unfortunate. Employment here is virtualy non existant, I have been here 4 years and still no work. Part time work is very short in supply because it costs employers more in social security than it does to pay them, its very high. Its difficult to say what would be best kind of business to enter into really. But do tour the rental agencies and try to strike a deal because there are so many expats going home they are desperate, but people say there are still quite a few coming. Best wishes and good luck in your venture, the weather is so well worth it

Commented anita7568 in Quesada 2012-02-15 16:30:29 UTC