Mark Lewis.

Does Mark Lewis hide himself from the public or does he just put his thoughts on that silly La Marina Info webiste. It seems he will not come on this very good forum and answer people or even put his points across. His latest rant is, is Jeff Wiszniewski getting a hidden salary. What concern of that is yours, you were as bent as a 150 euro note when you were animal councillor or what ever job you held. From what i have seen and herd the councill are just getting there feet and things seem to be moving along very nice. So do yourself a favour and join in on the forum mark and at least defend your actions. Its not like you got a full time job anymore.

La Marina

Best councillor we have had during my 23 years here.
Mark was always available to us in La Marina, the single most hard working councillor.
I do not know what you are expecting Mark to talk about in here, he is no better informed than any of us nowadays?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-21 09:49:39 UTC

Mark S
I am gutted,have just read your remark to Mark Lewis,your comment ' As bent as a150 euro note',does this mean that 150euro notes are not legal tender,if so I have been conned by a lookie lookie man,He has just sold me 1500 euros worth of them for 50euros,you just cant trust anybody these days can you

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-21 11:46:34 UTC

Oh dear Mark S, the forum was just getting back to being nice and pleasant and you had to start it all up again, ok let's get down to it!
Mr Lewis is not the one who needs to be on this forum answering questions, Mr Wiszniewski is but It seems now him and his overpaid employees have got their feet under the table us expats don't matter anymore. The only British councillor I have seen being underhanded is Mr Wiszniewski, Mr Lewis never employed family or friends in the Town Hall. Mr Wiszniewski is the one who is lying to us not Mr Lewis. As for his website then what business is it of yours to say how he runs it, have you not grasped the concept of websites!
Take a look at the PIPN English website: it
has not been updated since the election! From a man who based his election campaign on openness and transparency the early indications are that Mr. Wiszniewski has conned the voters. Are you going to complain about that? 
Maybe it's you that needs to get a job and stop making up ridiculous, unfounded allegations which makes you look like a rather silly little boy who knows nothing, lets face it, your last attempt to have a go at Mr Lewis on this forum turned out to be untrue and complete rubbish!

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-21 12:17:41 UTC

An absolutely fabulous answer to Mark S which I support in every detail to 100%.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-21 16:24:44 UTC