Jeff W.

First off Jeff is no office boy. Why can't people get it into there heads that the elections are over. All jeff wanted was a few simple things that will begin to make a diffrence. People are gunning for him. already.He had the most important vote and he used it to what he believed was the correct choice. San Fulgencio didn't want the old people back inn and the full elections results show all you sour people suck it up and get on with it.

La Marina

Not my opinion! Do you not agree that he is in the way?
What makes a one man party who is fed crumbs by the PP to keep him sweet important?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-06-27 09:34:20 UTC

Interesting that the other English Councillor, who was elected, does not seem to have anything at all to ever say up here on the forum.
Or is some of the sniping being directed by the silent ones?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-06-27 14:37:59 UTC

No he makes all his comments on the La Marina Info site where nobody can reply

Commented david in La Marina 2011-06-27 14:47:40 UTC

Ian all hes website contains is in big bright letters stuff about the new councill and why is it on everybodys lips that jeff joined with the PP. well i can answer that, he did not want to work with the PSOE and the APSUF. To be honest he made the correct choice as he would have not got one word in edge ways if he had signed up with them two plus having Mr. Lewis running around as deputy mayor....imagine that.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-06-27 15:26:09 UTC

ANDI Is it possible that you are Jeff's political agent or otherwise involved in our local political activity?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-06-27 17:55:07 UTC

By no means am i anyhting to do with Jeffs party at all. Im just stating no matter how you keep banging on about Jeff being a "office boy" the fact is the PP and PIPN got inn and thats it end of story, see you later try tommorow its over with. Its like life its always changing.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-06-27 18:36:21 UTC

Ian, i was aware of only one Brit on the council,are you telling us that we have a Brit in the PP lot.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-06-27 18:45:34 UTC

Ian there is no Brit in the PP i think Ian means elected councillor which is Mark Lewis, well if you can call someone who is not getting a wage a elected councillor. There are a few of the PP who do speak English though, may not be enough for some people but look at it this way, what would you say to a polish guy that had just been elected in the UK everyone would be causing chaos because hes polish well we live in spain so you shouldnt expect it to be all about the other people the spanish will always win as its there home.

Commented Mark.S in La Marina 2011-06-27 18:53:43 UTC