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Watch out, there's a thief about!

I would like to warn people in La Marina urbanisation to be on the lookout for a man I saw yesterday in my neighbours garden. My neighbour was not at home and I have since found out from them that he did not have their permission to enter the property. He picked up some items that were there and then climbed over the wall and disappeared from view. I came out of my house and saw a car pulling away towing an open top trailer, the items he had stolen where in the trailer. I could not see a registration number. The man was wearing sunglasses and dressed in a light blue shirt.  I noticed as he climbed over my neighbours wall the words COMPLETE ???? CARE on the back of his shirt. 

La Marina

Don (if that is in fact your real name), it appears that your description (excepting the thief bit, of course!!) fits me to a "t", so I suggest that we meet at the Police Station (at a time suitable to you) so that you can make an official report, of said theft to them, giving exact times etc (dont forget, I know where I was at all times yesterday, and who was with me!!). Somehow, I doubt that we will be meeting any time soon.

I would like to tell everyone else about a strange event that happened yesterday, which I have no doubt, has given the fabricator of this false accusation the details, that he/she uses as a basis of his description of me/my car, in his/her accusation. At about 5:00 pm yesterday, I had to call into the Hogs Head, at Consum Square, to drop something off. When I parked outside the bar, I noticed a certain individual coming down the stairs between the bar and The George. As "said individual" and myself, do not "see eye to eye" on a number of matters, I pretended that I hadn't seen "said individual", and carried on into the bar. Approx 30 seconds later, I left the bar and could not see "said individual". I got into my car and then noticed "said individual" walk out of the doors of the bar next door, Chief O'neils, and then shoot straight back in (I again pretended that I didn't see "said individual"). As I pulled away I looked back into the doors of the bar, and there, skulking in the doorway, was "said individual" RECORDING me on his (pink!!) telephone. When I saw this I suspected that something would be afoot very soon. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions!!

Don (or whoever you really are), I await to hear from you about a meeting time at the Police Station. However, if you do not have any further proof (which I know, of course, there isn't any), I suggest that you withdraw the accusation and be more sure of your facts in future, otherwise you could find a Denuncia on its way for slander/defamation of character.

Commented Peter in La Marina 2013-03-26 15:14:30 UTC

I am having great difficuly in seeing any aqusation in what Don said?
Otherwise your mumbo-jumbo of "said Person" has baffled me and I suspect most others on this site?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-03-26 18:31:30 UTC

Mighty confusing. How does the report of a potential burglar relate to something which is obviously a private spat in a bar area. What the connection is/can be is anyone's guess.

Commented nigelpatrick in La Mata 2013-03-26 18:52:53 UTC