
Program of events:
Friday 5th August;
1200 hrs Opening Fireworks,
20.00 hrs A parade with Los Pistoleros
21.00 hrs The greatest Film Soundtracks
(performed by various singers acompanied on the piano)
22.00 hrs The Liverpool Band,
23.30 hrs, Words and Music,
00.30 hrs DJ Scooby Show,
02.00 hrs Foam Party.
Saturday 6th August:
20.00 hrs Dance demo, Line Dancing, Zumba and Pole Dancing
21.00 hrs Eliza Baeza (Singer)
22.00 hrs The Voice ( A Tribute to Il Divo)
23.00 hrs The Timeless - Saturday Night Fever
00.30 hrs DJ Scooby Show
02.00 Foam Party.
Sunday 7th August:
10.00 Mass in the Virgin of Peace Church, La Marina
13.00 hrs Exhibition of motorcycles
14.00 hrs Giant Paella
20.00 hrs Nick Gold (Change on official program)
21.00 hrs Chess, ( A Tribute to Queen )will now play for an extra half hour.
22.00 hrs San Fulgencio Band( Re arranged to play during the Giant Paella being served)
23.00 hrs Route 69
00.00 hrs Bella Luna
01.00 Firework Show,
01.30 DJ Richie Sparks

Thanks jeff,it is looking good,lets hope it is a success.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-08-02 10:59:09 UTC

Hi Jeff, have you any comments about the Back Beat 4 and why they were not considered for this years fiesta.(See my posting a day ago)

Commented Pauline in La Marina 2011-08-02 15:14:56 UTC

It looks a pretty good program when in truth they have only had just under 8 weeks to get it all sorted...

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-08-02 15:46:13 UTC

I think personally the dance demo,line dancing zumba and pole dancing will be a big hit

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-08-02 15:48:14 UTC

Where did you get this riff-raff from?
Apart from Nick Gold, who incidentally is a brilliant artist and Bella Luna we have never heard of any of these acts.
We have many local acts that would be glad to partake, acts that we recommend in this forum, where are they on your programme?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-03 06:57:55 UTC

Is the Fiesta taking place in the car park by Comsume?

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-08-03 07:40:34 UTC

Hi, With regards to the Back Beat 4 it was decided to have a Beatles tribute band and as there was a choice, we decided to give the other band a chance to prove they were as good as the Back Beat 4. We know that either way someone would be unhappy and disappointed.
In reply to Angelique, pray tell me how you can call the other artistes riff raff, when by your own words "we have never heard of them".
And to Linda; Yes the fiesta will be in the Car Park by Consum

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-08-03 08:00:31 UTC

As usual you are totally missing the point. For some extraordinary reason you seem to be completely detached from the people you claim to represent.
If you took the time to read this forum and visit the local pubs and restaurants to see who is playing you would require no imagination at all to learn which acts are popular here in La Marina.
This urbanisation is "stuffed" with reasonable performers to name a few Woody, Jimmy Mac, Elvis Tribute, Eagles Tribute, Everly Brothers Tribute, Status Quo Tribute, Michael Star and many many others. Not to mention the Disc Jockeys, Big Kenny, Paul Vegas, Jimmy Dean and his sons and wife (4 dj's in one family), Tam, Terry Tinsell to name but a few.
Aplogies to all you other acts who did not get a mention.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-03 10:02:21 UTC

Well Agelique I am friends with most of the acts you have mentioned but as been said it is still nice to see some other acts and in your case new to you as they say you can please some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time I dont think Jeff could win whatever he did I think you must be off that programme Grumpy old men women in your case

Commented david in La Marina 2011-08-03 10:41:06 UTC

We do have some very good local acts that we all see on a regular basis here on the urbanisation. So seeing fresh faces at the Fiesta will not be a bad thing.
I hope that a fair amount of people will be using their video cam recorders at the Fiesta to show everyone how good a time was had by all, and to give that extra publicity to the area that we all really need. To get maximum publicity, videos should be posted onto
If you have never posted on youtube it is Free to do so ! After you have loaded on to youtube you can then take the link and publish it here on the Forum. It would be very interesting viewing for people, especially if they are unable to attend!

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-08-03 11:07:13 UTC

Put your claws away!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-03 11:30:21 UTC

looks like a good couple of day's& nights.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2011-08-03 12:18:29 UTC

David - Take No notice. That's Angelique's favourite saying when she can't think of anything else to say at the time. She's used that expression on me a couple of times - ignore her - she might go away, although I doubt it he he x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-08-03 14:52:40 UTC

David, I for one am looking forward to being at the fiesta a high point in our social calender in fact there will only be one higher point anywhere and thats where Angelique will be standing so she can look down her nose at us mortals , you'll know where that is just follow the sound of the very few people who will be Boo-ing regardless of how good the acts are. The program looks great and congrats to the team who have put it together in such a short time even while dealing with the myriad of complaints from the few selfish and spiteful members of the OPPOSITION parties, who have gone out of their way to disrupt what should be a great event for the area.

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-08-03 15:36:06 UTC

Oh by the way Angelique, i noticed in the list of acts that you suggested, there was not one Spanish Artist, this event is not Glastonbury and if you don't like the artists , dont go to the fiesta, We live in Spain, This is a Spanish Fiesta, and if you don't want to partake then give up your place to someone who is actually willing to integrate into the local community.....
If you want to continue to be nationalistic and behave like an English Female Victor Meldrew, Might I suggest a quiet little bungalow in BOGNOR

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-08-03 15:49:51 UTC

seems like a fair balance of acts being new on here but being a lurker & have read a lot of the postover the last few months the sniping that seems to be going on is geting a bit boring give it a rest.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2011-08-03 16:38:13 UTC

Thank you Jeff for letting me know the location, myself and my family are so looking forward to the fiesta, my grandsons and looking forward to the motorcycles and I may just join in the zumba if I have had a few glasses of wine hahaha!!

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-08-03 16:50:50 UTC

Now, now my friend!
Please read my posts concerning this fiasco, sorry I mean fiesta.
Where have I made any comment whatsoever as to there being no Spanish acts?
If you are going to get upset with what I say then please do me at least the courtesy of reading my remarks before putting pen to paper.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-03 17:25:50 UTC

Ohhh Angelique...Dear Girl did I write that you had said anything about spanish acts, I think Not, I merely pointed out that in your list of acts is not one spanish act, Please read my comment before putting pen to paper oh! sorry keyboard to internet

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-08-03 17:35:41 UTC

Just thought i would put in my twopenneth,I have no faith in jeff he has told me a couple of porkies I do not have any faith in him.
But I do hope the fiesta goes well,I will be there for two of the nights,and undoubtably, if i am enjoying it,I will be making a fair bit of noise,and perhaps making myself look an idiot.
So once again jeff best of luck but i am not holding my breathe for you,you have let mew down before.
As for Angelique,I have not change my mind that you are a troll I cannot see what kicks you get out of trying to ruin this forum with your sometimes inane comments.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-08-03 18:13:17 UTC

No No not Bognor, what Has Bognor done to upset anyone. I suggest the Island of Elba

Commented Robert in La Marina 2011-08-03 18:15:35 UTC

I have wondered also where does curious get the idea that the fiesta is a spanish fiesta,my belief is that san fulgencio has a spanish type fiesta,we have our own La Marina party weekend,
call it anything else you like,but this party has only been going for a few years and has never been anything thing like a spanish type fiesta,I can go to proper Fiestas many times in the course of a year,but I can only go to a la marina party weekend once a year.
So if you believe it is a spanish fiesta,explain to me why it is.
Also I lived in Bognor for many years,and would object vehemently on behalf of all the lovely people of Bognor if you got Angalique to go there.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-08-03 18:24:07 UTC

Why are you being so unkind to me? It was only two weeks ago that you publicly said, in this forum, that you have bonded with me and that we were like minded friends?
Am I not like everyone in here entitled to my opinion?
Finally I object to you suggestion that I might be insane!
Why do you say these things?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-04 05:58:35 UTC

I do agree with you on one point and that is that Jeff is prepared to say the first thing that comes into his head and that his answers have not been considered and therefore end up as little porkies as you call them.
My overall opinion is still the same and that is that I believe that Jeff is a victim of his own enthusiasm. Unfortunately the noises he was making before and the noises he is making after the election have nothing in common with each other.
There is one more thing that I have wondered over and that is how Jeff gets himself into these messes.
Jeff has in his team Samantha Hull, I know this girl quite well, she is very well educated and definitely has her head screwed on and her feet firmly on the ground!
I can only conclude that Jeff is not listening to her, she would never allow Jeff to make a fool of himself as he repeatedly does?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-04 06:12:19 UTC

I do not want to take issue with you my dear, however below you will find your comments to me concerning Spanish acts at the fiesta:
"Oh by the way Angelique, i noticed in the list of acts that you suggested there was not one Spanish Artist, this event is not Glastonbury and if you don't like the artists , dont go to the fiesta, We live in Spain, This is a Spanish Fiesta, and if you don't want to partake then give up your place to someone who is actually willing to integrate into the local community.....
If you want to continue to be nationalistic and behave like an English Female Victor Meldrew, Might I suggest a quiet little bungalow in BOGNOR"
I think it is fairly conclusive that these remarks and your subsequent remarks to me are inconsistent to say the least, are they not?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-04 06:17:11 UTC

Alan the reason I consider this a Spanish Fiesta is that it has be happening for the last 15 years or so but moved around to different locations on the Urb, for the last 3 years it has been staged in the same location to the detriment of the original placement on the main street at the top of Avd Londres, I for one cant wait to see it there again, they were so much better there.

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-08-04 06:22:11 UTC

Just to put things straight,I do believe we have a lot in common regarding jeff,I also believe he talks before he thinks of the consequences,also samantha seems a really nice ,intelligent person,and perhaps jeff should listen to her more often.
So hopefully most of the time i will be agreeing with you on this forum,But you do attack other contributors,which to me is not the way to go.
Lastly I did not say you were INSANE What I said is that some of your comments were INANE.I can assure you I didnt make a spelling mistake by leaving an S out of my comment

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-08-04 07:35:41 UTC

Sorry for my spelling mistake, however, and most importantly we are still like minded and friends, that is more important?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-04 09:45:27 UTC

I have got to see that Linda.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-08-04 17:37:42 UTC

Change in Program. The San Fulgencio Band will now play on the Sunday afternoon and Chess will play ann extended set.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-08-04 19:07:21 UTC

Just come past the Consume and already preparations are taking place, looks really good xx

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-08-04 20:09:27 UTC