Hi Everybody
ive noticed over the last couple of weeks the forum seems to have gone quiet. Im guessing this is because your all in full swing with the summer season, maybe with family and friends out there on quesada taking up all your time in the nicest possible way or maybe youve gone back to uk to avoid the high temperatures.
Anyway it would be good to hear what youre all doing with yourselves at the moment and in particular anything nice or any new stuff thats happening on quesada

kind regards for a great summer !


On maps in Google, most of Quesada is at street level. I think it was filmed in April this year.

Commented mjf89 in Quesada 2011-07-23 08:44:24 UTC

We're still here, it's gone quiet I think because adverts are no longer allowed, hopefully we'll now get people back posting stuff. We're enjoying the summer, not doing much at the moment but my first visitors are due next Friday so for end of of July through August, we'll be busy entertaining and BBQing, can't wait. Maz

Commented Maz in Quesada 2011-07-23 17:27:23 UTC

Hi Maz
thank you for response its good to know youre well ! I think the lack of ads may have played a part and I do hope users will continue to put their ads in the correct the place as this makes more sense.

Personally I have enjoyed the site very much since it was re launched earlier in the year, also I have been able to make good use of the information advice and guidance provided by the forum users and long may that continue.

In the meantime Maz do enjoy your summer, I will be out there from august bank holiday weekend for a couple of weeks so I am really looking forward to that

Maybe after the main summer season we can all have discussion on "What I did this Summer"

Kind regards

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-07-24 17:12:03 UTC