IBERSWITCH or weve taken your money and DONTSWITCH

Now then should be start talking about something other than the disappearance of the animal van - the invisible train - and the council.. How about the bad service we all seem to be getting from Iberswitch - anyone got any comments ?

La Marina

I signed an agreement with Iberswitch in April, paid my administration fee and that was the last I saw of these people, the service or my money.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-02 08:34:36 UTC

We have just changed over to Iberswitch. We signed up in December last year. Unfortunately Iberdrola are dragging their heels. We had our last bill off them in April and are now awaiting our first 2 monthly bill from Iberswitch. Just be patient and it will happen, but Iberswitch have no control over the change over. I will do a posting when I get my first bill.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-02 22:46:29 UTC