Bus Services from the Urb

I noticed the other day a new bus stop in the street behind us, (below Consume), but no bus time table, so wondered if anyone knew what buses stop there and times and will there be a bus from there to the beach.

The only problem with seeing a new bus stop,is that it was more than likely ordered a few years ago,Nobody hurries in Spain,Chances are it was cancelled a couple of years ago,so consequently it will be taken down at the end of 2012

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-06-26 08:24:01 UTC

Hi Alan, I have actually seen people using the bus stop, but I just want to know where the buses go to and times.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-06-27 07:56:49 UTC

As I mentioned in another post We have even managed to get listed the times and stopping places for the summer bus that goes to the beach. http://lamarina.aspanishlife.com/topics/7-la-marina-subjects/articles/161-buses-to-la-marina-beach
However I was somewhat taken aback by there not being a Sunday service. A lot of people arrive on a Saturday and the next day would like to be able to go to the beach.
This morning even noticed on one Bus Stop an up to date list of when and where beach busses come and go. ONLY ONE PROBLEM bring steps with you or binoculars it is so high up that it just about or nealy readable. Bless them they tried.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-13 09:55:04 UTC