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Councillor Herrera,to revoke his resignation letter.

I have just read on a local La Marina Forum, That Paulino Herrera (Councillor for parks and gardens)who resigned from his position three weeks ago, Will in fact revoke his resignation letter at the next Council meeting.
So I gather we are back to square one,with the same people running the Council as we were two years ago (hip hip hooray) or not.

La Marina

Just another councillor with little or no integrity!
How can a "respected" member of our council act before he has totally considered the problem and reached a "final decision"?
No wonder there is little or no respect for these councillors who are so taken up with their own egos that they have forgotten the 12000 or so people they represent?
These people exasperate me!

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-09-02 19:03:56 UTC

Where is ANDI our roving political reporter?
Surely he has his finger on the pulse on this matter and can give us the full story on the events so far?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-09-03 18:47:58 UTC

Yup FriendlyViking.
it does seem his gone back on the resignation all I can think is Jeff kissed his ass and gave him a desk in the office for the Urb. Paulino will lose a lot of respect and support over this, who should of stood his ground, anyone that slates there own boss and another party obviously ain't happy, but hey hoo what ever floats his boat

Commented Andi in La Marina 2013-09-03 19:44:02 UTC

If you check Jeff is not the Boss of Paulino Jeff is councillor for the Urbanisations and Paulino councillor for Parks and Works.
I dont think he as lost his Integrity if this is what he had to do then so be it.

Commented david in La Marina 2013-09-04 07:26:48 UTC

I will hold up my thoughts to the integrity of Paulino, until I am sure on what terms he is returning to his Council position, If he has bettered his position, and somehow made it more advantageous, to the people of La Marina Urb.,then he played a great game, If he is going back on the same or lesser terms than he had before he resigned, then as far as I am concerned, he would be on the council, purely for his own good and damn everybody else. He alienated himself from the Mayor and from Jeff and these things may come back to bite him on the bum eventually. The last thing we need on the Urb. is petty back biting on the Coucil, lets hope that whatever the result these three people have reconciled their diff.erences

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-09-04 09:11:01 UTC